On this most harried of days, when everyone loses their minds trying to find the best deals on stuff, I prefer to stay home and relax, away from it all (but more power to you if you’re brave enough to weather the stores for savings today). There are many reasons to join me, but if you’re struggling to find something else to do this Black Friday, here are some suggestions:
10: Eat Leftovers
Hey, that feast from yesterday isn’t going polish itself off. Get snacking!
9: Plan Your December Budget
What better way to celebrate the ultimate consumer holiday than by being responsible and taking a hard look at your financial situation going into the holidays?
8: Play With Your Dog
This one is pretty self explanatory.
7: Watch Your Fish
Also pretty self explanatory.
6: Do That Thing You’ve Been Meaning to Get Around To
You know what it is. Don’t pretend that you don’t. That thing. That thing you said you were going to do, and haven’t done yet even though you keep thinking to yourself that you need to hurry up and do it. Do it. Do that thing.
5: Practice Your Hobby
What better way to keep the true spirit of Thanksgiving going than to stay home and be thankful you have time to practice that lovely hobby of yours?
4: Start Planning Next Year’s Halloween Costume
Its never too early to start planning your amazing outfit that will totally trump what you did even this year.
3: Learn Something New
Instead of consuming products, consume knowledge.
2: Read a Good Book
A suggestion that requires no justification.
1: Write a Good Book
This is what I will be doing.