Coming in 2017: Choose Your Path Adventure Games

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I’m excited to announce that in 2017 (release date pending) I will be bringing a new interactive feature to the website in the form of some text-based, choose your path adventure games. Remember those books where you’d read part of the story, then be presented with a choice to either go to this page if you choose this or that page if you choose that and then the story would branch and evolve as you made your choices? The concept is similar, only the stories will be playable online on and you’ll get to the next part by clicking rather than turning pages.

The stories will be free to play and re-playable anytime through the website, and I’m aiming for each one to take 30-60 minutes for one play through.

In time I’ll release a whole selection of these games for my readers to enjoy, but the first upcoming game will take place in a world in the midst of apocalypse. You, the player, will take on the role of one of the heroes called upon to try and find a solution to the shadowy corruption slowly twisting humanity into a dark caricature of its former self. Your training almost complete, you now make your way to the Corruption Menagerie, a facility in the heart of the capital where the king has imprisoned many specimens for heroes to study and learn about the corruption in the hopes of finding a cure. Or, in lieu of a cure, a way to destroy the Infected once and for all. Yet something doesn’t feel right. Everyone who goes to the Menagerie seems to return a different person. A darker person. Are the horrors locked within simply that disturbing to study? Or is something more sinister taking place at the heart of humanity’s battle for survival?

Choose Your Character

At the beginning of your adventure in the Corruption Menagerie you must choose which path you have taken in your training. Will you become a warrior in the Grand Army of Light, the last line of defense if humanity’s only option is to reclaim the world by force? Or will you choose to study magic in the hopes of learning how to burn out the corruption with healing or cleansing fire? Or maybe you’ll find the path of the Purifier more to your tastes, the elite order of assassin’s whose job it is to ferret out the Infected who crop up in the safe zone and destroy them before the corruption can spread within the remaining uninfected. Each path will give you a different experience of the story, with different advantages and weaknesses to overcome.

Morality Choices

As you work your way deeper into the Corruption Menagerie you’ll find yourself faced with choices where the right path is muddied at best, and your only guide is your own gut and instincts. What will you choose? Will your choices bring humanity closer to victory? If they do, will it be worth the price?

Success or Failure

Survival is not guaranteed within the Menagerie, and your choices can lead to your untimely demise as easily as they can your glorious triumph. How will your training affect your odds of success? What impact will your early decisions have on what happens to you deeper in the Menagerie? Do you have time to save precious research from destruction? Is an act of mercy what will lead to the doom of mankind, or its salvation? Only your own compass can guide you…


I hope you’re all as excited for this new content as I am. I’ll keep you updated on the game’s progress as I continue development.

Click here to to read about “Chronicles of the Roc Rider”, my book releasing in 2017

Click here to take the survey about the blog in 2017.

2 Replies to “Coming in 2017: Choose Your Path Adventure Games”

  1. I love this idea! I used to read those books all the time. And my uncle would do live story things that were similar.

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