
Behind Stone Masks

Based on real historical events, “Behind Stone Masks” follows Whilhelm, a German soldier, from 1922 through November 10th 1938 as he relives the early days of his enlistment following the Nazi’s rise to power. Enlisting to support his family, Whilhelm is soon forced to protect his best friend, a Jewish writer named Hans, from the regime’s new laws. But when Hans’ writing brings unwanted attention from the government, Whilhelm must walk a fine line on the edge of his own darkness. A line where the distinction between protection and oppression is blurred. When the assassination of a German officer at Jewish hands prompts an order that changes everything, Whilhelm is forced to confront the demons that lie within. On the very night the Holocaust began.

“Behind Stone Masks” was first performed by Actors’ Mission Inc. If you are interested in staging this play, contact Aaron.